Love Love Love – Of Monsters and Men

Minotaur lost his way back home

Looking for the best of adventures the lands could offer

One day he crosses path with ocean serpent Nemosar

Nemosar ferociously chases after Minotaur

She has never seen a creature different from her

Minotaur tired and exhausted

Loses all hope to continue rowing his boat

All he could do was stare at his reflection in the sea

Crying for being so stupid

The ocean serpent Nemosar watching him

Felt that the loneliness was the same as hers

She was the most dangerous creature undersea

subsequently, nobody would stay in her company

Nemosar fell in love with Minotaur but

She was scared if she showed up

Minotaur would run away like everyone else

They keep staring at their fears

Gray clouds over Minotaur

Are full of his depressing feelings

Of losing it all in his adventures

Nemosar absorbed in dark water of insecurity

Stays still underwater

If only they knew

The force for getting through

Was behind a thin layer of drops

In the Sunlit Zone layer


I have seen Jupiter with bare eyes from earth.

Appealing and captivating sight it is,


Nothing compares to the sight of this amazing lady.

Something about her presence, her being around.

Have you ever fought your mind? Not to remember specific things?

I have. I have tried to forget her. To never think of her. Impossible.

A slave of hers? Maybe.

It’s a bitter sweet feeling. A balance of emotions.

Like that Frontera Merlot wine,

A delicate balance, combination of dry and sweet wine.

The dryness can’t make you whine,

The sweetness can’t make you mine.

I don’t want to never stop seeing her smile.

My Natalie.


The mother of sweet fruits.

Sweetness derived from the tree,

Sweetness not tasted by the mother.

The mother and source,

Of beautiful flowers,

Of refreshing fragrance from the scented flowers,

Oh- what of its shelter shade,

It sways and sways to beckon rain,

But stands still to resist the wind blow again.

Oxygen from it we gain.

In its existence,

The tree assumes nothingness.

In persistence,

It beats the seasons.

The perching of a bird,

Announces the importance of the tree to a motile being.

A place of refuge for migratory bird

Flying from the north pole through to the south.


If a man can make effort and be like a tree,

To blossom, and provide,

Many will flock to them.

Now or in future.

A woman is like a bird,

Which perches on a tree that offers the best in the jungle.



                                            In my “just like in the movie” moments

                                               Its Natalie. It’s always been Natalie.

                                            Coincidence I am writing this moment now.

                                                        Listening to De burgh”s

                                                                 “Lady in Red”

                                                 Coz I can’t forget that magical moment.

                                            I lost Natalie after serving my meals in the mess.

                                               Concentrating my eyes on where she could be

                                                There she was, standing waiting, faint smile.

                                                  Camouflaged in between the mess crowd 

                                                     But still a beacon of beauty, like Jupiter.

                                                 Caught in space by mans bare eyes on planet


                                                 Trying to, really outshining other planets.

                                                    Can’t imagine, Natalie, is waiting for me

                                                  I’ll never forget, talking over our

                                                    Cheap meals, it was my first ever.

                                                     Date, in campus, spent one dollar

                                                     Coincidentally with a priceless lady.

                                                         She means the universe too            


Why this generation of dads has messed up my country



A portrait of fisherman feeding fish to a group of marabou stork.


I am writing this as a Kenyan youth who has in the last two decades seen the rot in the social system. I can confidently say that this rot emanates from our fathers or dads or ‘daddies’. The system is failing at an accelerating rate that if nothing is done soon,we will find ourselves in a hole big enough coming out will be a difficult task.

Sex for job in the cooperate area

Recently had the pleasure of working for an events organizing group headed by a woman. So incompetent was the middle aged woman in making the right choices that it was the junior members who were telling her how things are done since they had the know how in this particular field. So how do such people get to head  big cooperates without knowing how to run things?

Our fathers have made it their job to give jobs based on  whom they can sleep with and not on merit. This has seen the cooperate section of the Kenyan job market mostly filled with incompetent under performing women. What happens when this behavior is allowed to continue? We will find out that since these women get the jobs after offering sexual favors,it will become had for men who put them their to fire or advice them. This is because they fear being exposed and losing their jobs too.

Recently a local TV station ran an interview on a rape victim who was assaulted in her house. To the amusement of many, the lady conducting the interview goes ahead and asks the rape victim if she was dressed indecently,in her own house! A very inappropriate question,since the perpetrators were inside the house,whether she was in a full space suit or not,that was her house and no one has to dictate what you wear in your own house. Again jobs based on sexuality and not merit.

In the long run we are going to have a stagnated economy that is not developing,because our fathers failed in their work and decided to capitalize on their positions for sexual favors.

“Call me daddy”

“Please call me daddy’ Many youths are aware of this phrase in the streets. It simply means an old married man having sexual relationship with a girl young enough to be his daughter. This generation of fathers has made it a thing to sleep with young girls and in exchange they give the young girls material things such as money, expensive phones etc.

This the fathers do at the expense of taking care of their families. Why would one marry then start having affairs? Bringing along diseases and heartbreaks to innocent women? When we have taken our country back from these crop of fathers please let us practice morality in marriage. It is okay to marry more than one wife but do not go around prostituting peoples younger children in the name of daddying’.

This has seen most young men my age lose girlfriends to these crop of fathers. They come around splashing looted cash that no girl can resist. It is a competition with our fathers to win the hearts of these girls. Such girls at times end up being an envy to other girls who in turn would also be willing to seduce older men for cash. Thus giving rise to a rotten society where prostitution is the order of the day spearheaded by ‘daddies’ only that the name  has been sugar coated.

If you are having sex for any reason other than love, you are a prostitute,end of story.

Hope is not lost, one day we will take back our country and change it for the better.


This is a Swahili word meaning let it reach the parents. It is a hashtag that was trending in the Kenyan social media platform. It started trending after Kenyan youth started posting erotic pictures on social media in the name of photo shoot. 

My question is why do they want to shame and crucify these youths who are engaged with those shoots? They are just as lost as the fathers who are busy prostituting these same young girls. Only that they have decided to make it public for all to see, unlike the fathers whose affairs remain ‘chini ya maji’. 

Normally the fish starts rotting from the head,the behaviors of these children is only a fraction of what our society looks like, enticing from the outside but rotten from within. So it makes no sense pushing those photos to reach the parents when our fathers are our role models.

The only thing that I advocate for #ifikiewazazi is to tell our fathers that they have failed us in terms of developing the country. If Israel or Singapore are fifty years old as we are,why are they so much ahead of us? Why is the majority of Kenyan youth unemployed? Why does a newborn Kenyan baby owe China one thousand dollars in debt? I know the answer. Our fathers are answerable. As I said earlier,one day we will take back our country from our fathers and do what they never did when they had the chance.


Kilifi County is located along the coastal stretch in Kenya. It is a perfect holiday destination and place you will never regret visiting. Below are some of the beautiful places in picture form.

Above, electricity lines transverse the sisal plantations at The Rea Vipingo ridges. Found in it are posh individual homes and holiday homes too. The ridges would have been incomplete without a golf course. A lone baobab tree giants the sisal plants.  

This fringing reef is located at Bofa beach, casting the shadows are huge caves up above. Perfect timing of the sun and correct positioning of the camera makes the reef look like yawning mother lion at the Maasai Mara game Reserve. 

This coconut tree stump has been deposited at the shore line. The white sandy beaches along Bofa beach is spectacular. What makes these Sands white?  The white sandy beaches occur as a result of coral reef meeting certain environmental conditions. First, water at the coast must be clear to allow penetration of sunlight waves upto 50 metres down, food in form of plankton must be sufficient for the reef to feed and favourable temperatures of around 27° Fahrenheit must be reached. Coral reef are usually found on the Eastern coast of continents where these conditions are met. This makes most Kenyan coastal beaches have white sand due to wave action and erosion of these type of coral rocks. 

It’s play time for these little children! Local children play with sand balls. 

Blow holes forming through the rock caves through wave action of the ocean water. These form a perfect hideout and home to some marine creatures.  

I hope you enjoyed reading this piece, too much to showcase here till next time. 


Usually when a storm is about to happen, the farmer sees it as a blessing and goes ahead and prepares his farm. To the farmer, the storm about to happen is a blessing.
In other areas, people would wish the storm fails. In seeing an approaching storm, they associate it with bad events about to happen.

It is all about how you as an individual sees an approaching storm, a curse or blessing.


Recently I took a picture of my bookshelf and uploaded it on social media, next to the novels was a 250 ml Napoleon whiskey bottle half filled, in between the novels was also a bible. People started reacting about the picture,most people were giving comments about the whiskey, others asking why I started drinking alcohol which I don’t, very few people talked of the positive side the picture depicted.

Most of the time, it is always the case for bad to out shadow the good in one’s life according to other people. It is upon us not to let the negative things affect our motives or attitudes. In most cases when I have done a good work be it in any area of my life,whether people notice or not, I am usually the first person to congratulate and reward myself. Rewarding myself ranges from complimenting myself with words like ”You are good bro.” to giving myself a retreat like going to a restaurant and eating that food I don’t always get to eat.

One good turn deserves another, after rewarding yourself, why not do another great work because you are sure the person who is to notice your excellent performance wont fail to reward you?

Next time you do good at something, start by congratulating and rewarding yourself. This will help you build a positive internal environment for working hard in life.



I finish my final preparations of preparing for school in this early morning in the month of November, dressed in my casual jeans and brown woolen shirt,I step out ready to face the day, go to school. No sooner do I reach the ground floor than it dawns on me that it’s too cold outside, I have to go back for my jumper inside.

It’s too cold outside that I can feel droplets of moisture in the atmosphere accompanied by slight wind. Most people are of course dressed in warm clothes to keep warm. At around ten o’clock in the morning, my Botany class is over and I stepped out of the classroom and here is the sun’s rays gracefully reaching the earth’s troposphere.

The nice feeling the sun’s rays has on my exposed face makes me take off my jumper so that I can feel it on my hands too. This does not last for long because the clouds are re positioning in the sky blocking the suns rays once more.

Let me take you back to the warm season what I’d be doing by this time, probably sipping an ice-cold sprite drink,cursing the weather and thinking about going for an afternoon swim. All that, to try to remain cool during the harsh sunny day.